Now why would Mr Nzimande want this? Pissing off Afrikaners is obvioulsy the main reason, but also to force Afrikaans and English speakers (mainly the whites) to learn a traditional black African language. In his own words: "We can't be expected to learn English and Afrikaans, yet they don't learn our languages". Maybe it is just an effort to reduce the number of white students further, who knows? But why? No-one knows, because Afrikaans is understood by most people, and English is understood by all, and both Afrikaans and English speaking people seems to get along well enough in the world in order not to need one of the other 9 local languages. A Tswana colleague once told me to learn the local African language then I can "understand what they say about me behind my back". Like this one lady that was overhearing how some Zulu speakers were talking about her "big buttocks". Their eyes looked like saucers when the replied in their own language. She grew up on a farm where she learned Zulu from the farm workers and could speak it well, despite being white. So what if people talk about me behind my back in Xhosa, Zulu or Twana? Anyone can do the same in French, Spanish or Mandarin. For heaven's sake, there is already more confusion in this country than what there was at the Tower of Babylon, and which one of the nine does one choose?
No Mr Nzimande, I get it, you just want to piss off the Afrikaners again, it was quiet for too long. I bet the next move would be to ban us from using the word "BRAAI", seeing that "braai" is as Afrikaans as "koeksisters en Hertzoggies" is. Seeing that Afrikaans is so "insignificant" and that you probably won't admit to it that you understand it, I might as well say this to you in Afrikaans then: "Jy kan jouself gaan n**!, maar braai sal ek braai tot die aarde ophou draai!" Which reminds me, it's time for my Friday let's braai post....
To the author.
ReplyDeleteDo you even know why the blacks started boycotting all those years ago ?
Because the white government wanted to teach in Afrikaans only.
Food for thought ain't it ?
Oh yeah I am totally aware of that, and never said it was right. I was a bit young back then to have an opinion or speak my mind on that, and I probably would not have disapproved of it any less than what I do today, but what I know now is that we need to look forward and make this country a better place, not play "tit-for-tat" and always blame the past wrongs for anything that incompetency cannot solve today.