Ok, so I got it. My GS was ready for collection and my nerves were shot. I went to the BWM Motorad showroom to do the final paperwork and to pick up my bike. While John the Salesman was handing over the bike and explaining what the different buttons were, all I could think was how am I going to drive this expensive piece of machinery back home in Cape Town's horrendous traffic? I remember the day I brought my first-born home from the hospital. It felt like all the trucks, trees and lamppost were coming at me. It was like driving on eggs to be honest, too scared that my son might get hurt on our way home. Today was not different. When I went past the roadworks on the N1 I saw the sign flashing "
Speed Kills. Please Go Slow". I knew that message was not directed at me because I was already holding up the traffic behind me which were cruising at less than 60 km/h through the bends and road signs.
Compared to my old bike everything was different, from the starter to the indicator lights. At one point I realized the confusion I must have been causing when I discovered that I have two indicator switches and a third to turn it off. Thinking back now I believe John did mention it to me. The throttle was sensitive and the brakes sharp, making be look like a kid on a rocking horse while I was trying to get the hang of it. I cannot remember exactly which road I took to get back to the office, but it was definitely the one with the most traffic. Or so it felt. When I stopped at work I realized with a bike this size (compared to my previous one) you have to know exactly where you want to park, there is no chance of pushing it around until you are happy with the spot. My feet barely touches the ground. Once I stopped I took what felt like my first breath since I left the showroom. I had another problem when I discovered that I was not sure if I could just switch it off or if it had a procedure to follow to kill the engine. And then off course getting down from a bike twice the size of my previous one is a skill mastered only after a couple of demounts. The black topbox and being stiff from a recent squash game did not make it any easier.
Anyway, my first trip was good, it reminded me a lot of my first bungi jump and skydive. The nerves were calmed down after I managed to put my feet back on Mother Earth again. It was not long after that I realized I had something else to do before I go home. Last year I came home all excited with my new kite board and said to my son "
Look what Daddy bought himself". He replied with "
Where is mine Daddy"? I know a two-year old is a bit young to have his own kite board, but the disappointment in that little voice and face I will never forget. So to prevent this from happening again I had to go out to find him small toy so that he does not feel left out. (As if this is going to make up for spending all his college money on my own personal gratification). Maybe a little bike similar to Daddy's will help.
My second trip went much better than the first one. I couldn't find the toy I wanted though but now I have an excuse to ride again. Finding excuses to ride, I think that would be the pattern from now on. Although I guess you cannot compare a cruiser with an on/off road motorcycle I am sure I made the right choice. I still have to get used to the upright seating position because I keep putting my feet on the front footrests which are not there anymore. It makes me look a bit stupid but fortunately no-one could see my face under the full face helmit. The helmit by the way also kept the bugs out of my teeth. With all these summer bugs flying around the smile was just too big for an open face helmit. But my biggests challenge still lies ahead...which bike is sleeping outside tonight? Or might it just be my wife's car....?
Well, I hope from now on that I will have more things to blog on, many trips and happy returns wherever I go. I will not attempt Africa right now, but be sure my family is not going to see much of me over the coming weekend.