Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sunset in IJmuiden

Today I took my first sunset scene with the SLR. We arrived in IJmuiden and went straight for a beer and a TV to watch the Spain-Portugal game. After dinner I fetched my camera with the plan to walk to the beach, but only when I got out of the building I actually saw the beautiful sunset. Because the yacht club is in front of the hotel and in between myself and the sun, I had to literally run to a place where I could take a proper picture without too many things in the foreground. While running I had to change lenses and looked like some war reporter in Afghanistan running to get the best action photo…or running for his own life not to get shot himself. Four girls on Vespas drove past me and cheered me on like I was about to win the Comrades marathon. They obviously figured out why I was running with a camera while the sun was about to disappear…or they were just happy that it was such an awesome day. By the time I found a spot the sun had already sunk lower and was about to hit the water. Fiddling to get the right settings didn’t help much either, and by the time I took the picture I was out of breath and shaking. So yes, the final product was nothing to rave about, but this was one of the better ones. The bloody yacht that was coming in was also not giving me much time, so the more he moved into my pictures, the more desperate I became to take the bloody shot. After that I couldn’t wait to get back to my PC to check out my first sunset shots. I was a bit disappointed to be honest, but I am sure if I have more time on my hands to set up and even use a tripod I might get a better shot. I can just see me sitting at the beach in Cape Town waiting for that perfect sunset. I have one concern though….TIME! If I start this new hobby that is really got me hooked right now, when will I get time to do my other hobby stuff? I was thinking of taking the bike and go to a spot where it is really beautiful and then just spend the day there taking pictures until I get that prize winning shot, but where will I find time to fit that in…?

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